Running and sporting events are a vibe. They’re a celebration of all the hours and commitment to training. And we love celebrating with you! You’ll find us at a range of different events through the year, providing pre and post-race care. But mostly we’re just there to cheer you on and join the party. If you’re at any of these events, come say hi and grab a well deserved massage.
Running Events.
Running events are huge and you don’t want to miss out on the fun. They host all your classic road events that should be on your annual event calendar.
People’s Triathlon.
The Barfoot & Thompson People's Triathlon Series is Auckland’s longest running triathlon series- it’s definitely one of those “oldie but a goodie” scenarios.
Total Sport.
Total Sport are the cool kids on the block. They host a bunch of epic trail events in the most stunning locations. You’re guaranteed mud, sweat and joy at these events.
Round The Bays.
The Ports of Auckland Round the Bays really needs no introduction- it’s New Zealand’s largest fun run, and for very good reason!